About me:   machine learning researcher

Machine learning researcher


Gaël Varoquaux is a research director working on data science at Inria (French computer science national research) where he leads the Soda team. He is also co-founder and scientific advisor of Probabl.
Varoquaux's research covers fundamentals of artificial intelligence, statistical learning, natural language processing, causal inference, as well as applications to health, with a current focus on public health and epidemiology. He also creates technology: he co-founded scikit-learn, one of the reference machine-learning toolboxes, and helped build various central tools for data analysis in Python.
Varoquaux has worked at UC Berkeley, McGill, and university of Florence. He did a PhD in quantum physics supervised by Alain Aspect and is a graduate from Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris.

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Research Interests

Machine learning research:

Machine learning and public health:

  • Analytics on health databases for personalized medicine and treatment development
  • Causal inference

Machine learning for mental health, cognition, and brain activity:

  • Biomarkers of mental traits and disorders
  • Resting-state and functional connectivity
  • Encoding and decoding models of cognition

Open-source software

Core contributor to scientific computing in Python:

  • scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python
  • joblib: lightweight pipelining of scientific code
  • Mayavi: 3D plotting and scientific visualization
  • nilearn: Machine learning for NeuroImaging
  • skrub: Prepping tables for machine learning


Inria Saclay, 1 Rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves, 91120 Palaiseau, France



  • Doctorats honoris causa, UC Louvain 2025.
  • Highly-cited researcher, Clarivate, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
  • Prix de l'Académie des Sciences du transfer 2019, The French National Academie of Science.
  • François Erbsmann Prize Honnorable mention, 2013 The most prestigious award in medical imaging.
  • Nominated member of the Python Software Foundation
  • FOSS India award 2008 shared with Prabhu Ramachandran, for Mayavi


Open source

World-wide recognized contributor and project-manager for open-source scientific software.

Open Hub profile for GaelVaroquaux

Professional service

Editorial duties


  • Machine learning with scikit-learn MOOC Materials
  • Past
    • Machine learning for digital humanities at EHESS
    • Machine learning with scikit-learn at ENSAE (materials)
    • Statistics with Python at the CogMaster masters in cognitive science, ENS Paris (materials)
    • Functional brain connectivity at the Bio-Medical Engineering master, Telecom ParisTech

Major keynote talks

See my speakerdeck Older talks on slideshare

Education and previous positions

  • McGill  MNI 2019-2020: Visiting professor
  • Mila  Mila 2019-2020: Visiting professor
  • INSERM  unicog 2010-2011: Post-doc on pronostics with resting-state fMRI
  • INRIA  parietal 2008-2010: Post-doc on resting-state fMRI methods
  • UC Berkeley 2008: software engineer on nipy
  • Consultant in scientific computing 2008: Enthought
  • Marie Curie European Fellow 2007-2008, with Massimo Inguscio at LENS, Florence
  • PhD in Quantum Physics 2005-2007: Université Paris-Sud Orsay, supervision Alain Aspect, topic: Atomic sources for long-time-of-flight interferometric inertial sensors
  • Masters in Quantum Physics 2004: Ecole Normal Supérieure
  • Ecole Normal Supérieure 2001-2004: undergraduate studies