News and thoughts – Page 11

Useful trick for functions and tests using np.random

How to test functions that use the numpy random number generator

SciPy 2009 is over!

The week is over, and I am finally catching up with things, back here in France.

The SciPy conference was exciting and fun as usual. It was great to meet old friends and put faces on names on the mailing list.

The turn out was very good: we had 150 …

Mayavi: 2 videos of tutorial-like presentation

I gave a presentation on Mayavi in the Python for science seminar organised by Fernando Perez at Berkeley. I was loudmouth and obnoxious as usual, and unfortunately for me, I was recorded.

More seriously, Jeff Teeters has filmed the presentation and recorded the sound was a microphone I was wearing …

Announcing the SciPy conference schedule

The SciPy conference committee is pleased to announce the schedule of the conference:

This year’s program is very rich. In order to limit the number of interesting talks that we had to turn down, we decided to reduce the length of talks. Although this …

My article on scientific computing with Python

I have never sold the rights to the article I published in LinuxMagazine France on scientific computing with Python. So I am uploading it to the net, under a CC-by-SA license :

It is in French, so it restricts the audience.

Tutorial on scientific use of Python

The notes of the tutorial I gave on scientific use of Python at PyconFR are online. They are in French, but I am giving the link here, just in case it is needed:

Object-oriented design: framework objects versus data containers

I find that in object oriented design, there are two kinds of objects:

  • A first kind is the object encoding logics. This is an object for which clever and complex design will hold together the logics of a state-full application. It can often be part of a forest of objects …

SciPy abstract submission deadline extended


The conference committee is extending the deadline for abstract
submission for the Scipy conference 2009 one week.
On Friday July 3th, at midnight Pacific, we will turn off the abstract
submission on the conference site. Up to then, you can modify the
already-submitted abstract, or submit new abstracts.

The …

SciPy 2009 conference opened up for registration

We are finally opening the registration for the SciPy 2009 conference. It took us time, but the reason  is that we made careful budget estimations to bring the registration cost down.

We are very happy to announce that this year registration to the conference will be only $150, tutorial $100 …

Fuzzy on OOP and the French


Haha - I shake my fuzzywuzzy beard at you in bewilderment. Do you people dislike OOP, the class statement is mere boilerplate to you, I mumble incoherent French obscenities in your general direction. (Did you know the French acronym for object-oriented programming is POO?).