Gaël Varoquaux

Sun 02 May 2010


Status of the EuroScipy registration

It is still not possible to register for the Euroscipy conference: we are having difficulties with payment for the registration, and we are still not sure that we will be able to actually charge money!

This might not be a bad news, because it might mean that the conference will be completely free. This would mean that we would be able to provide lunch which is a pity as there is nothing like eating with a bunch of passionate experts to learn new tricks, but it would not hamper the conference in any other way, as the rooms are already booked and various little expenses covered.

If we manage to sort out payments in the next weeks, the fee should be 50 euros for the 2 days of tutorial, and between 50 and 100 euros for the full conference, depending on exactly what catering we offer.

Anyhow, we should open the registration real-soon, with or without payment. We will need to have some formal registration, as the number of people that can fit in the rooms will be limited.

All in all, with or without registration fees, it should be possible to make it to Euroscipy keeping expenses low: we have indicated a few cheap accommodation on the practical details page, and it is easy to get good food for a good price in the area.

I am very excited about this conference. We have two keynotes that I am really looking forward to hearing, and I can say that we have been getting pretty good submissions for presentations. Also, changes are that we should be able to publish proceedings in a peer-reviewed journal, although I can’t say more about that right now.

Also, even if you are not interested in scientific research done using Python, the tutorials are a unique opportunity: we are having top-notch experts presenting with two tracks, one to get beginners up to speed and efficient in a couple of days, and the other for exploring advanced subjects. I know the speakers, and I can tell you that I won’t be talking in the corridor, but sitting with my laptop and listening to them. People pay large chunks of money for such training, usually.

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