conferences posts

My Mayavi story: discovering open source communities

The Mayavi Python software, and my personal history: A thread on Python and scipy ecosystems, building open source codebase, and meeting really cool and friendly people

I am writing today as a goodbye to the project: I used to be one of the core contributors and maintainers but have been …

Survey of machine-learning experimental methods at NeurIPS2019 and ICLR2020


A simple survey asking authors of two leading machine-learning conferences a few quantitative questions on their experimental procedures.

How do machine-learning researchers run their empirical validation? In the context of a push for improved reproducibility and benchmarking, this question is important to develop new tools for model comparison. We …

Comparing distributions: Kernels estimate good representations, l1 distances give good tests


Given two set of observations, are they drawn from the same distribution? Our paper Comparing distributions: l1 geometry improves kernel two-sample testing at the NeurIPS 2019 conference revisits this classic statistical problem known as “two-sample testing”.

This post explains the context and the paper with a bit of hand …

MLOSS 2015: wising up to building open-source machine learning


The 2015 edition of the machine learning open source software (MLOSS) workshop was full of very mature discussions that I strive to report here.

I give links to the videos. Some machine-learning researchers have great thoughts about growing communities of coders, about code as a process and a deliverable …

MLOSS: machine learning open source software workshop @ ICML 2015


This year again we will have an exciting workshop on the leading-edge machine-learning open-source software. This subject is central to many, because software is how we propagate, reuse, and apply progress in machine learning.

Want to present a project? The deadline for the call for papers is Apr 28th …

Euroscipy 2015: Call for paper

EuroScipy 2015, the annual conference on Python in science will take place in Cambridge, UK on 26-30 August 2015. The conference features two days of tutorials followed by two days of scientific talks & posters and an extra day dedicated to developer sprints. It is the major event in Europe in …

PRNI 2016: call for organization

The steering committee of PRNI (Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging) is opening a call for bid to organize the conference in June 2016, in Europe

Scikit-learn NIPS 2011 sprint: international thanks to our sponsors

The NIPS conference: time for a sprint. The NIPS conference, one of the major conferences in machine learning, is hosted in Granada this year. I believe that it is the first time that it is hosted in Europe. As many of the scikit-learn developers are part of the wider NIPS …

Python at scientific conferences

Top notch scientific conferences are starting to add Python tracks to their program. This is good news. Indeed, it scientific Python conferences (namely Scipy, EuroSciPy and Scipy India) are doing great to get together people who have already heard about Python for science, but we need to reach out to …

My conference travels: Scipy 2011 and HBM 2011

The Scipy 2011 conference in Austin

Last week, I was at the Scipy conference in Austin. It was really great to see old friends, and Austin is such a nice place.

The Scipy conference was held in UT Austin’s conference center, which is a fantastic venue. This is the …