science posts – Page 6

Mayavi image of the fortnight

It’s been two weeks since I posted a ‘Mayavi image of the week’. Prabhu has made a really cool example of integrating trajectories in a 3D vector field, using, of course, the Lorenz equation for the 3D field. With nice colors, it makes a new fantastic image:

The green …

What’s wrong with young academic careers in France

David just blogged a link to an article about careers in higher education. I thought the paragraph on the French system was so much to the point that I would like to quote it entirely here:

In France, the access to a first permanent position as maître de conférences occurs …

Mission accomplished

I defended my PhD yesterday. I am pretty happy to be done with this.

After the defense, the other PhD students offered me a plastic python (well it was a cobra, actually, but they told me to pretend it was a Python.

Timing problems with a computer

Simple experiments on real-time computing, to put in the perspective of the computer-control of an experiment