scikit-learn posts – Page 2

Google summer of code projects for scikit-learn

I’d like to welcome the four students that were accepted for the GSoC this year:

Welcome to all of you. Your submissions were excellent, and you demonstrated a good will …

Scikit-learn 0.14 release: features and benchmarks

I have tagged and released the scikit-learn 0.14 release yesterday evening, after more than 6 months of heavy development from the team. I would like to give a quick overview of the highlights of this release in terms of features but also in term of performance. Indeed, the scikit-learn …

Update on scikit-learn: recent developments for machine learning in Python

Yesterday, we released version 0.11 of the scikit-learn toolkit for machine learning in Python, and there was much rejoincing.

Major features gained in the last releases

In the last 6 months, there have been many things happening with the scikit-learn. While I do not whish to give an exhaustive …

3 Google summer of code for scikit-learn and more…

The scikit-learn got 3 students accepted for the Google summer of code.

Joblib beta release: fast compressed persistence + Python 3

Joblib 0.6: better I/O and Python 3 support

Happy new year, every one. I have just released Joblib 0.6.0 beta. The highlights of the 0.6 release are a reworked enhanced pickler, and Python 3 support.

Many thanks go to the contributors to the 0.5 …

Scikit-learn NIPS 2011 sprint: international thanks to our sponsors

The NIPS conference: time for a sprint. The NIPS conference, one of the major conferences in machine learning, is hosted in Granada this year. I believe that it is the first time that it is hosted in Europe. As many of the scikit-learn developers are part of the wider NIPS …

Hiring a junior developer on the scikit-learn

Once again, we are looking for a junior developer to work on the scikit-learn. Below is the official job posting. As a personal remark, I would like to stress that this is a unique opportunity to be payed for two years to work on learning and improving the scientific Python …

My conference travels: Scipy 2011 and HBM 2011

The Scipy 2011 conference in Austin

Last week, I was at the Scipy conference in Austin. It was really great to see old friends, and Austin is such a nice place.

The Scipy conference was held in UT Austin’s conference center, which is a fantastic venue. This is the …

Hiring a junior engineer on the scikit-learn

The scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning. The project builds on the scientific and numerical tools of the scipy community to provide state-of-the-art data analysis tools. It is developed by a community of open source developers to which my research team (Parietal, INRIA) contributes a lot and is …

Scikit-learn sprint on April 1st

The scikit-learn team is organizing a sprint on April 1st (that next Friday). Join us in Paris, Boston, or on IRC!

With the rise of the data sciences, the scikit-learn, a BSD-licensed Python package for machine learning, is becoming an asset for more and more endeavors. Machine learning has traditionally …