Posts in 'programming' – Page 11

SciPy Conference proceedings

The SciPy conference proceedings are finally available online: .

I hope you enjoy them. I find it great to have this set of excellent articles talking about works done with, or for, Python in science. For me, it is a reference to remember what was …

Rendering static pages with Turbogears

Turbogears hack

Suppose you have a dynamic website using turbogears, and you want to publish part of the content of this dynamic site to a static website, for instance to garanty its perenity. Well turbogears makes it really hard for you to do this. On the mailing lists they pretty …

pyreport: literate programming in python

pyreport is a program that runs a python script and captures its output, compiling it to a pretty report in a pdf or an html file. It can display the output embedded in the code that produced it …

Scipy2008 Early-bird registration deadline ends today

I have been planning to make a more interesting post highlighting the large trends of the SciPy2008 conference, but it is 3AM local time, and I am still hacking on Mayavi, so I think I’ll keep it short.

As far a the conference program goes, we can see a …

Student sponsorship for the SciPy08 conference

I am delighted to announce that the Python Software Foundation has answered our call and is providing sponsoring to the SciPy08 conference.

We will use this money to sponsor the registration fees and travel for up to 10 college or graduate students to attend the conference. The PSF did not …

Alex Martelli giving the SciPy2008 Keynote

On behalf of the SciPy2008 conference organizing committee, I am happy to announce that the Keynote at the conference will be given by Alex Martelli.

It is a pleasure for us to receive Alex. He currently works as “Uber Tech Leader” at Google and is the author of two of …

Arrived in Texas

I just arrived in Austin, Texas. I need to settle down a bit more, blog about my fantastic holidays, but I wanted to give an update of where I was.

The hospitality here has been fantastic so far. I am sitting in a confy chair, sipping a fresh orange juice …

Docs using Sphinx

After Ipython and Sympy, Mayavi is now using sphinx to build its docs. Sphinx is very neat because it allows for high quality pdf and html from the same restructured text source. The killer feature is that the resulting html pages have a builtin search that works with javascript, and …

Of packaging, installation and dependencies

I have been struggling for the last few days trying to understand the issues behind packaging and installing the Enthought Tool Suite. I think have been making progress, though only in my head, no actual code or packages so far are terribly satisfying.

The problem

If you are developing a …

Objects, modules and Traits and Envisage

I have been reading an article about a new language paradigm (Erasmus, a modular language for concurrent programming). The authors discuss the limitations of objects in terms of modularity. To sum up their point (and most probably distort it completely), the limitations with objects comes from the fact that you …