Posts in 'programming' – Page 3

Hiring a junior developer on the scikit-learn

Once again, we are looking for a junior developer to work on the scikit-learn. Below is the official job posting. As a personal remark, I would like to stress that this is a unique opportunity to be payed for two years to work on learning and improving the scientific Python …

Euroscipy 2011: early bird deadline soon

Euroscipy 2011: register now for early bird prices

The deadline for early-bird registration at the Euroscipy conference is this Sunday. Beyond this deadline prices will double. Register now to get a great deal.

To register, simply go to, log in using the link on the top right …

Hiring a junior engineer on the scikit-learn

The scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning. The project builds on the scientific and numerical tools of the scipy community to provide state-of-the-art data analysis tools. It is developed by a community of open source developers to which my research team (Parietal, INRIA) contributes a lot and is …

EuroScipy: the program is filling up, and the submission deadline nearing

Submission deadline May 8th

The deadline for the call for presentation for the EuroScipy conference is on May 8th. There is only a week and a half left.

EuroScipy will be held in Paris, August 25-28. It is the European meeting for users of Python in scientific and numerical-intensive applications …

Scikit-learn sprint on April 1st

The scikit-learn team is organizing a sprint on April 1st (that next Friday). Join us in Paris, Boston, or on IRC!

With the rise of the data sciences, the scikit-learn, a BSD-licensed Python package for machine learning, is becoming an asset for more and more endeavors. Machine learning has traditionally …

Windows binaries for the scientific Python ecosystem

I just realized yesterday that Christoph Gohlke has a repository of binary installers (.exe) for Windows 32 and 64bit with almost all the scientific Python packages that you can dream of:

  • numpy, scipy and matplotlib, of course (compiled with the MKL)
  • cython
  • the ETS, including Mayavi
  • VTK, with the Python …

Interested in parallel computing and statistics? We are looking for a post-doc

My research group is kick starting a new project, called AzureBrain to do computational analysis of large brain imaging and genetics population-wise data. One of the goals of the project is to harness the power of grid computing to do statistical learning on fMRI data, finding features in an individuals …

EuroSciPy 2011: the dates are out - Aug 25-28, Paris

We have finally been able to settle on final dates and venue for EuroSciPy 2011, the 4th European meeting on Python in Science.

The conference will be held from Thursday August 25th, to Sunday August 28th. The ENS will be hosting the conference once again, right in the center of …

Scientific publication for software development

The academic community seems to judge the validity and significance of any contribution by the number of papers published and the number of citations they get. To find funding, to get credit, you have to publish or perish. However, the natural output of software development tends not to be an …

ICA versus PCA in the scikit-learn: the value of code over pictures

When I was trying to get an intuitive feeling of the difference between Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), I wrote a few Python scripts producing some visualizations explaining the difference that have had a bit of success.

During the last sprint on scikit-learn, a machine learning …

Multitouch with VTK (and MedINRIA and Mayavi)

If the videos on this post are not showing, click through to see them.

A colleague of mine, Pierre Fillard, has just integrated multitouch in the next generation of the VTK-based medical imaging software MedINRIA. The nice thing is that it works on an Apple laptop out of the box …

Scikit Learn coding sprint

We have been really crap at communicating the next scikit-learn coding sprint. It’s next week!

The coding sprint will take place the 8 and 9 September at INRIA Saclay, near Paris, in the room K110 (building K).

For those who cannot make it, it will be possible to participate …

Software design for maintainability

I have just spent the best part of my Sunday fixing a bug that turned out being a seemingly-trivial two-liner. Such unpleasant experiences are all too frequent, and weight a lot on my view of code design.

My stance on code design

I call code design the process of designing …

Sprint Scikit learn in Paris

We are organizing a coding sprint in Paris on scikit learn, machine learning in Python. The goal of this sprint is to set the API and the general coding guidelines of the scikit to be able to tackle many different statistical learning problems in a consistent framework.

This is why …

Simple object signatures

A signature pattern

There are many libraries around to specify what I call a ‘signature’ for an object, in other words a list of attributes that define its parameter set. I have heavily used Enthought’s Traits library for this purpose, but the concept is fairly general and can be …

Euroscipy 2010: code, science, and a lot of fun

Euroscipy 2010, the third European conference for the use of Python in science, is just over, and I think it was a great success.

Euroscipy in numbers


The attendance this year was huge: there was a grand total of 160 who came to EuroScipy, with 140 that came only to …

Personal views on scientific computing

My contributions to the scientific computing software ecosystem are motivated by my vision on computational science.

Scientific research relies more and more on computing. However, most of the researchers are not software engineers, and as computing is becoming ubiquitous, the limiting factor becomes more and more the human factor [G …

EuroScipy abstract submission deadline extended

Given that we have been able to turn on registration only very late, the EuroScipy conference committee is extending the deadline for abstract submission for the 2010 EuroScipy conference.

On Thursday May 20th, at midnight Samoa time, we will turn off the abstract submission on the conference site. Up to …

EuroScipy is finally open for registration

The registration for EuroScipy is finally open.

To register, go to the website, create an account, and you will see a ‘register to the conference’ button on the left. Follow it to a page which presents a ‘shoping cart’. Simply submitting this information registers you to the conference, and on …

Status of the EuroScipy registration

It is still not possible to register for the Euroscipy conference: we are having difficulties with payment for the registration, and we are still not sure that we will be able to actually charge money!

This might not be a bad news, because it might mean that the conference will …