News and thoughts – Page 6

Joblib beta release: fast compressed persistence + Python 3

Joblib 0.6: better I/O and Python 3 support

Happy new year, every one. I have just released Joblib 0.6.0 beta. The highlights of the 0.6 release are a reworked enhanced pickler, and Python 3 support.

Many thanks go to the contributors to the 0.5 …

Scikit-learn NIPS 2011 sprint: international thanks to our sponsors

The NIPS conference: time for a sprint. The NIPS conference, one of the major conferences in machine learning, is hosted in Granada this year. I believe that it is the first time that it is hosted in Europe. As many of the scikit-learn developers are part of the wider NIPS …

Cython example of exposing C-computed arrays in Python without data copies

Some advice on passing arrays from C to Python avoiding copies. I use Cython as I have found the code to be more maintainable than hand-written Python C-API code.

I found out that there was no self-contained example of creating numpy arrays from existing data in Cython. Thus I created …

Python at scientific conferences

Top notch scientific conferences are starting to add Python tracks to their program. This is good news. Indeed, it scientific Python conferences (namely Scipy, EuroSciPy and Scipy India) are doing great to get together people who have already heard about Python for science, but we need to reach out to …

Conference posters

At the request of a friend, I am putting up some of the posters that I recently presented at conferences.

Large-scale functional-connectivity graphical models for individual subjects using population prior.

This is a poster for our NIPS work


Multi-subject dictionary learning to segment an atlas of brain spontaneous activity …

Hiring a junior developer on the scikit-learn

Once again, we are looking for a junior developer to work on the scikit-learn. Below is the official job posting. As a personal remark, I would like to stress that this is a unique opportunity to be payed for two years to work on learning and improving the scientific Python …

My conference travels: Scipy 2011 and HBM 2011

The Scipy 2011 conference in Austin

Last week, I was at the Scipy conference in Austin. It was really great to see old friends, and Austin is such a nice place.

The Scipy conference was held in UT Austin’s conference center, which is a fantastic venue. This is the …

Euroscipy 2011: early bird deadline soon

Euroscipy 2011: register now for early bird prices

The deadline for early-bird registration at the Euroscipy conference is this Sunday. Beyond this deadline prices will double. Register now to get a great deal.

To register, simply go to, log in using the link on the top right …

Hiring a junior engineer on the scikit-learn

The scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning. The project builds on the scientific and numerical tools of the scipy community to provide state-of-the-art data analysis tools. It is developed by a community of open source developers to which my research team (Parietal, INRIA) contributes a lot and is …

EuroScipy: the program is filling up, and the submission deadline nearing

Submission deadline May 8th

The deadline for the call for presentation for the EuroScipy conference is on May 8th. There is only a week and a half left.

EuroScipy will be held in Paris, August 25-28. It is the European meeting for users of Python in scientific and numerical-intensive applications …