chronicle posts

AI super-intelligent to play Go, and math?

Since 2017, an AI has been defeating the best Go experts, despite the game being particularly challenging. Such “super intelligence” is rare, but it could also emerge in fundamental mathematics.


This post was originally published in French as part of my scientific chronicle in Les Echos.

Imitation is not …

AI for health: the impossible necessity of unbiased data

Is unbiased data important to build health AI? Yes!

Can there be unbiased data? No!

Building health on biased data discriminates

The notion of bias depends on the intended use.

In medicine, we have seen the importance of tuning devices and decisions for the target population. The problem is not …

When AIs must overcome the data

Improving conversational artificial intelligences or simpler prediction engines involves overcoming biases, that is, going beyond the limits of data. But the notion of bias is subtle, as it depends on the goals.

Image generated with "ChatGPT", with the prompt "Please generate an image of a robot arm wrestling a figure made of numbers. This figure does not look like a robot, but more like a human, however it is made of numbers."


This post was originally published in French as part of my scientific chronicle in Les Echos.

In …

Do AIs reason or recite?

Despite their apparent intelligence, conversational artificial intelligences often lack logic. The debate rages on: do they reason or do they recite snatches of text memorized on the Internet?

Image generated with "ChatGPT", with the prompt "Please generate an image of a robot with a stream of numbers coming out of his mouth. The robot is on the left, facing right, and the numbers flow, as if they were sound."


This post was originally published in French as part of my scientific chronicle in Les Echos. I updated it with new …