conferences posts – Page 2

EuroScipy 2010 in Paris

Next year’s EuroScipy will be in Paris, as Nicolas Chauvat and myself announced in Leipzig this summer. We are still busy organizing, but we have pretty much settled down for a dates: July 8th- July 11th. So mark those dates, and get ready to come to Paris for a …

Announcing the SciPy conference schedule

The SciPy conference committee is pleased to announce the schedule of the conference:

This year’s program is very rich. In order to limit the number of interesting talks that we had to turn down, we decided to reduce the length of talks. Although this …

SciPy abstract submission deadline extended


The conference committee is extending the deadline for abstract
submission for the Scipy conference 2009 one week.
On Friday July 3th, at midnight Pacific, we will turn off the abstract
submission on the conference site. Up to then, you can modify the
already-submitted abstract, or submit new abstracts.

The …

SciPy 2009 conference opened up for registration

We are finally opening the registration for the SciPy 2009 conference. It took us time, but the reason  is that we made careful budget estimations to bring the registration cost down.

We are very happy to announce that this year registration to the conference will be only $150, tutorial $100 …

Pycon FR: presentations and tutorials

May 30th and 31st the French Python conference, Pycon FR, will be held at ‘la citée des sciences’, la Villette, in Paris.

The first day, I will be giving a one-hour-long tutorial (in French) on numpy, scipy, and all the Python for Science jazz. On the following day, I will …

SciPy Conference proceedings

The SciPy conference proceedings are finally available online: .

I hope you enjoy them. I find it great to have this set of excellent articles talking about works done with, or for, Python in science. For me, it is a reference to remember what was …

Scipy2008 Early-bird registration deadline ends today

I have been planning to make a more interesting post highlighting the large trends of the SciPy2008 conference, but it is 3AM local time, and I am still hacking on Mayavi, so I think I’ll keep it short.

As far a the conference program goes, we can see a …

Student sponsorship for the SciPy08 conference

I am delighted to announce that the Python Software Foundation has answered our call and is providing sponsoring to the SciPy08 conference.

We will use this money to sponsor the registration fees and travel for up to 10 college or graduate students to attend the conference. The PSF did not …

Alex Martelli giving the SciPy2008 Keynote

On behalf of the SciPy2008 conference organizing committee, I am happy to announce that the Keynote at the conference will be given by Alex Martelli.

It is a pleasure for us to receive Alex. He currently works as “Uber Tech Leader” at Google and is the author of two of …

Of travels and sprints

This month I have traveled a bit for scientific-computing related reasons.

In England

First of all, I was speaking at the OKcon, open knowledge conference in London, about Scientific tools in Python in general, and Mayavi in particular. I jumped on the occasion to visit the Airbus campus in Bristol …