python posts – Page 6

My article on scientific computing with Python

I have never sold the rights to the article I published in LinuxMagazine France on scientific computing with Python. So I am uploading it to the net, under a CC-by-SA license :

It is in French, so it restricts the audience.

Tutorial on scientific use of Python

The notes of the tutorial I gave on scientific use of Python at PyconFR are online. They are in French, but I am giving the link here, just in case it is needed:

Object-oriented design: framework objects versus data containers

I find that in object oriented design, there are two kinds of objects:

  • A first kind is the object encoding logics. This is an object for which clever and complex design will hold together the logics of a state-full application. It can often be part of a forest of objects …

Fuzzy on OOP and the French


Haha - I shake my fuzzywuzzy beard at you in bewilderment. Do you people dislike OOP, the class statement is mere boilerplate to you, I mumble incoherent French obscenities in your general direction. (Did you know the French acronym for object-oriented programming is POO?).

Job offering for junior Python developer

Our lab is seeking to hire an engineer to work on porting our machine learning code to the scikit learn, adding tests and documentation and packaging it.

We are looking for someone motivated by quality in software and open source. No prior scientific computing experience is required. You will be …

Pycon FR: presentations and tutorials

May 30th and 31st the French Python conference, Pycon FR, will be held at ‘la citée des sciences’, la Villette, in Paris.

The first day, I will be giving a one-hour-long tutorial (in French) on numpy, scipy, and all the Python for Science jazz. On the following day, I will …

Minimum spanning tree

Gary Ruben came up with the excellent idea of visualizing the minimum spanning tree of a Delaunay tesselation in addition to Delaunay tessalation itself. After he sent me his code, I spent some times playing with it, because I found out that, with the right choice of visualization parameter, it …

Extracting the data from the Delaunay triangulation

Gary Ruben just asked me if it was possible to retrieve the triangulation information from my previous Delaunay example. Actually the reason I came up with this example is that Emanuelle Gouillart, my partner[*], needed to do Delaunay triangulation on some data. She was kind enough to extract that code …

Mayavi image of the … month

Tonight I sat down and played a bit with VTK’s Delaunay tessalation filter. I wanted to inspect the local structure of a graph created by Delaunay tessalation of random points. To see better the structure, I selected a slab of the resulting unstructured grid. I think the image is …

Long sys.path and consequences, one more reason not to use easy_install

For those who don’t know, sys.path is the path that the Python interpreter traverse at each module import to look for the module file imported.

This blog post is about the consequences of having a long sys.path. I’ll try and make it short, but I would …