science posts – Page 4

Hiring a junior engineer on the scikit-learn

The scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning. The project builds on the scientific and numerical tools of the scipy community to provide state-of-the-art data analysis tools. It is developed by a community of open source developers to which my research team (Parietal, INRIA) contributes a lot and is …

EuroScipy: the program is filling up, and the submission deadline nearing

Submission deadline May 8th

The deadline for the call for presentation for the EuroScipy conference is on May 8th. There is only a week and a half left.

EuroScipy will be held in Paris, August 25-28. It is the European meeting for users of Python in scientific and numerical-intensive applications …

Scikit-learn sprint on April 1st

The scikit-learn team is organizing a sprint on April 1st (that next Friday). Join us in Paris, Boston, or on IRC!

With the rise of the data sciences, the scikit-learn, a BSD-licensed Python package for machine learning, is becoming an asset for more and more endeavors. Machine learning has traditionally …

Interested in parallel computing and statistics? We are looking for a post-doc

My research group is kick starting a new project, called AzureBrain to do computational analysis of large brain imaging and genetics population-wise data. One of the goals of the project is to harness the power of grid computing to do statistical learning on fMRI data, finding features in an individuals …

EuroSciPy 2011: the dates are out - Aug 25-28, Paris

We have finally been able to settle on final dates and venue for EuroSciPy 2011, the 4th European meeting on Python in Science.

The conference will be held from Thursday August 25th, to Sunday August 28th. The ENS will be hosting the conference once again, right in the center of …

Research jobs in France: the black humor of 2010 is the reality of 2011

The French basic research landscape is dominated by a few nationwide institute, similar to the NIST or the NIH in the US. The largest of these is the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientific). Getting a tenured job in one of those institutes enables someone to focus on basic …

Scientific publication for software development

The academic community seems to judge the validity and significance of any contribution by the number of papers published and the number of citations they get. To find funding, to get credit, you have to publish or perish. However, the natural output of software development tends not to be an …

ICA versus PCA in the scikit-learn: the value of code over pictures

When I was trying to get an intuitive feeling of the difference between Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), I wrote a few Python scripts producing some visualizations explaining the difference that have had a bit of success.

During the last sprint on scikit-learn, a machine learning …

Euroscipy 2010: code, science, and a lot of fun

Euroscipy 2010, the third European conference for the use of Python in science, is just over, and I think it was a great success.

Euroscipy in numbers


The attendance this year was huge: there was a grand total of 160 who came to EuroScipy, with 140 that came only to …

A simple LaTeX example

A simple LaTeX document, to use as a skeletton