scipy posts – Page 2

Tutorial on scientific use of Python

The notes of the tutorial I gave on scientific use of Python at PyconFR are online. They are in French, but I am giving the link here, just in case it is needed:

SciPy abstract submission deadline extended


The conference committee is extending the deadline for abstract
submission for the Scipy conference 2009 one week.
On Friday July 3th, at midnight Pacific, we will turn off the abstract
submission on the conference site. Up to then, you can modify the
already-submitted abstract, or submit new abstracts.

The …

SciPy 2009 conference opened up for registration

We are finally opening the registration for the SciPy 2009 conference. It took us time, but the reason  is that we made careful budget estimations to bring the registration cost down.

We are very happy to announce that this year registration to the conference will be only $150, tutorial $100 …

Job offering for junior Python developer

Our lab is seeking to hire an engineer to work on porting our machine learning code to the scikit learn, adding tests and documentation and packaging it.

We are looking for someone motivated by quality in software and open source. No prior scientific computing experience is required. You will be …

Pycon FR: presentations and tutorials

May 30th and 31st the French Python conference, Pycon FR, will be held at ‘la citée des sciences’, la Villette, in Paris.

The first day, I will be giving a one-hour-long tutorial (in French) on numpy, scipy, and all the Python for Science jazz. On the following day, I will …

Mayavi image of the … month

Tonight I sat down and played a bit with VTK’s Delaunay tessalation filter. I wanted to inspect the local structure of a graph created by Delaunay tessalation of random points. To see better the structure, I selected a slab of the resulting unstructured grid. I think the image is …

Error in my article

There is an error in a code example in my article that just came out in Linux Magazine France. I am so ashamed. I did test the code, but I didn’t have automated tests, so I broke it when tweaking it :(. I think the lesson is that you need …

Mayavi image of the week

The title of this post is a lure: there won’t be a Mayavi image each week, because I would run out quickly. But it sounded cool.

Anyway, here is an image of a graph, visualized with Mayavi. The graph is actually a protein structure, downloaded from the PDB. The …

What’s new in Mayavi 3.1.0?

Mayavi 3.1.0 has just been released, and I think it is a fantastic version. We are starting to be able to focus on the details and the focus. In addition, we are getting user feedback, which helps identify the pain points.

Automatic scripting

This is a huge deal …

Using Mayavi to explore a potential field

As promised, here is the sequel to the tutorial I posted yesterday on using Mayavi with scipy to understand the trajectories of a particle in a potential. (chances are you are reading this before my previous post. I suggest you first jump to my previous post, and then come back …

Using Mayavi with Scipy: a tutorial

Many years ago, I was working with a bright undergrad on the trajectories of a atoms in a complex light field created by the intersection of two laser beams. She had developped a code in C, and I was starting to discover Python, so we had binded in t in …

Numpy documentation editor

Pauli Virtanen and myself have finally finished transfering the numpy documentation editor to The documentation editor is a project that has been mainly championed by Pauli. It allows you to edit in a wiki-like fashion the documentation for numpy, including the docstring. The changes are reviewed …

My travels this summer

This summer has been hectic (life is hectic anyhow!). As I was switching fields from physics to neuro-imaging, I took the chance to travel to the US and to spend the summer doing Python-related stuff.

Austin - Enthought

I spent most of my time this summer at Enthought, in Austin, Texas …

SciPy Conference proceedings

The SciPy conference proceedings are finally available online: .

I hope you enjoy them. I find it great to have this set of excellent articles talking about works done with, or for, Python in science. For me, it is a reference to remember what was …

pyreport: literate programming in python

pyreport is a program that runs a python script and captures its output, compiling it to a pretty report in a pdf or an html file. It can display the output embedded in the code that produced it …

Scipy2008 Early-bird registration deadline ends today

I have been planning to make a more interesting post highlighting the large trends of the SciPy2008 conference, but it is 3AM local time, and I am still hacking on Mayavi, so I think I’ll keep it short.

As far a the conference program goes, we can see a …

Student sponsorship for the SciPy08 conference

I am delighted to announce that the Python Software Foundation has answered our call and is providing sponsoring to the SciPy08 conference.

We will use this money to sponsor the registration fees and travel for up to 10 college or graduate students to attend the conference. The PSF did not …

Alex Martelli giving the SciPy2008 Keynote

On behalf of the SciPy2008 conference organizing committee, I am happy to announce that the Keynote at the conference will be given by Alex Martelli.

It is a pleasure for us to receive Alex. He currently works as “Uber Tech Leader” at Google and is the author of two of …

Arrived in Texas

I just arrived in Austin, Texas. I need to settle down a bit more, blog about my fantastic holidays, but I wanted to give an update of where I was.

The hospitality here has been fantastic so far. I am sitting in a confy chair, sipping a fresh orange juice …

Docs using Sphinx

After Ipython and Sympy, Mayavi is now using sphinx to build its docs. Sphinx is very neat because it allows for high quality pdf and html from the same restructured text source. The killer feature is that the resulting html pages have a builtin search that works with javascript, and …