News and thoughts – Page 15

Asie centrale: 17 mai - 8 juin 2008: Kyrgyzstan

Deuxième partie du voyage: au Kirghizstan.

Photos et panoramas : Gaël | Récit, mise en page et retouches photos : Emmanuelle

Carte voyage

Asie centrale: 17 mai - 8 juin 2008: Ouzbekistan

Trois semaines en Ouzbékistan, puis au Kirghizstan… en train, bus, marshrutka, cheval, et beaucoup à pied !

Photos et panoramas : Gaël | Récit, mise en page et retouches photos : Emmanuelle

Carte voyage

Update on my life

I am currently changing jobs and changing countries. This is why I have been really bad at dealing with questions on the mailing-lists, bug-reports or feature requests.


So far I have been working as a physicist, doing atomic physics (Bose Einstein Condensation). I studied quantum physics, mostly theory, and …

Docs using Sphinx

After Ipython and Sympy, Mayavi is now using sphinx to build its docs. Sphinx is very neat because it allows for high quality pdf and html from the same restructured text source. The killer feature is that the resulting html pages have a builtin search that works with javascript, and …

Of packaging, installation and dependencies

I have been struggling for the last few days trying to understand the issues behind packaging and installing the Enthought Tool Suite. I think have been making progress, though only in my head, no actual code or packages so far are terribly satisfying.

The problem

If you are developing a …

Objects, modules and Traits and Envisage

I have been reading an article about a new language paradigm (Erasmus, a modular language for concurrent programming). The authors discuss the limitations of objects in terms of modularity. To sum up their point (and most probably distort it completely), the limitations with objects comes from the fact that you …

Of travels and sprints

This month I have traveled a bit for scientific-computing related reasons.

In England

First of all, I was speaking at the OKcon, open knowledge conference in London, about Scientific tools in Python in general, and Mayavi in particular. I jumped on the occasion to visit the Airbus campus in Bristol …

LaTeX files of my PhD thesis

The main files of my phd thesis, to give an example of the LaTeX code used

How is Mayavi pronounced

I have been traveling recently and talking to friendly Geeks I didn’t know yet. I have been surprised to see that many people were pronouncing “Mayavi”, “Maya-V-I”, is in “V-I”, like the old Unix editor. Maybe this comes from the spelling “MayaVi”, that Prabhu and I recently decided to …

Numpy doc sprint in Paris tomorrow!

We really need to get numpy 1.0.5 out. And for this release to rock, we want to have good docs. This is why Jarrod offered to have a doc sprint tomorrow.

In addition we are currently having a sprint in Paris for neuroimaging in Python, with a bunch …