News and thoughts – Page 8

Research jobs in France: the black humor of 2010 is the reality of 2011

The French basic research landscape is dominated by a few nationwide institute, similar to the NIST or the NIH in the US. The largest of these is the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientific). Getting a tenured job in one of those institutes enables someone to focus on basic …

Scientific publication for software development

The academic community seems to judge the validity and significance of any contribution by the number of papers published and the number of citations they get. To find funding, to get credit, you have to publish or perish. However, the natural output of software development tends not to be an …

ICA versus PCA in the scikit-learn: the value of code over pictures

When I was trying to get an intuitive feeling of the difference between Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), I wrote a few Python scripts producing some visualizations explaining the difference that have had a bit of success.

During the last sprint on scikit-learn, a machine learning …

Multitouch with VTK (and MedINRIA and Mayavi)

If the videos on this post are not showing, click through to see them.

A colleague of mine, Pierre Fillard, has just integrated multitouch in the next generation of the VTK-based medical imaging software MedINRIA. The nice thing is that it works on an Apple laptop out of the box …

Machine learning humour

Yes, but they overfit

If you are reading this post through a planet, the movie isn’t showing up, just click through to understand what the hell this is about.

Some explanations…

Machine learning, geeks, and beers

Sorry for the bad humour. In the previous weeks my social geek life …

Scikit Learn coding sprint

We have been really crap at communicating the next scikit-learn coding sprint. It’s next week!

The coding sprint will take place the 8 and 9 September at INRIA Saclay, near Paris, in the room K110 (building K).

For those who cannot make it, it will be possible to participate …

SVG Word map of countries

To be able to visualize some quantities attached to countries all over the world, I needed a image with various countries color-coded. The fantastic matplotlib basemap package was not an option as I really needed a static image.

So I generated an SVG image with all the countries. It was …

Software design for maintainability

I have just spent the best part of my Sunday fixing a bug that turned out being a seemingly-trivial two-liner. Such unpleasant experiences are all too frequent, and weight a lot on my view of code design.

My stance on code design

I call code design the process of designing …

Sprint Scikit learn in Paris

We are organizing a coding sprint in Paris on scikit learn, machine learning in Python. The goal of this sprint is to set the API and the general coding guidelines of the scikit to be able to tackle many different statistical learning problems in a consistent framework.

This is why …

Simple object signatures

A signature pattern

There are many libraries around to specify what I call a ‘signature’ for an object, in other words a list of attributes that define its parameter set. I have heavily used Enthought’s Traits library for this purpose, but the concept is fairly general and can be …