open source posts

Skrub 0.2.0: tabular learning made easy

We just released skrub 0.2.0. This release markedly simplifies learning on complex dataframes.

model = tabular_learner(‘classifier’)

Simple, yet solid default baseline

The highlight of the release is the tabular_learner function, which facilitates creating pipelines that readily perform machine learning on dataframes, adding preprocessing to a scikit-learn compatible learner …

Promoting open-source, from inria to :probabl.


Open-source efforts around scikit-learn at Inria are spinning off to a new enterprise, Probabl, in charge of sustainable development of a data-science commons.


  • Prelude: funding scikit-learn is hard
  • The birth of a new ambition
  • Probabl, a mission-driven enterprise
  • Probabl is already having an impact
  • My position within Probabl …

People underestimate how impactful Scikit-learn continues to be


François Chollet rightfully said that people often underestimate the impact of scikit-learn. I give here a few illustrations to back his claim.

A few days ago, François Chollet (the creator of Keras, the library that that democratized deep learning) posted:

Tweet from François Chollet: "People underestimate how impactful scikit-learn continues to be"

Indeed, scikit-learn continues to be the most popular machine …

Hiring someone to develop scikit-learn community and industry partners


With the growth of scikit-learn and the wider PyData ecosystem, we want to recruit in the Inria scikit-learn team for a new role. Departing from our usual focus on excellence in algorithms, statistics, or code, we want to add to the team someone with some technical understanding, but an …

Technical discussions are hard; a few tips


This post discuss the difficulties of communicating while developing open-source projects and tries to gives some simple advice.

A large software project is above all a social exercise in which technical experts try to reach good decisions together, for instance on github pull requests. But communication is difficult, in …

Getting a big scientific prize for open-source software


An important acknowledgement for a different view of doing science: open, collaborative, and more than a proof of concept.

A few days ago, Loïc Estève, Alexandre Gramfort, Olivier Grisel, Bertrand Thirion, and myself received the “Académie des Sciences Inria prize for transfer”, for our contributions to the scikit-learn project …

A foundation for scikit-learn at Inria

We have just announced that a foundation will be supporting scikit-learn at Inria [1]:

Growth and sustainability

This is an exciting turn for us, because it enables us to receive private funding. As a result, we will be able to have secure employment for some existing core …

Sprint on scikit-learn, in Paris and Austin

Two weeks ago, we held a scikit-learn sprint in Austin and Paris. Here is a brief report, on progresses and challenges.

Several sprints

We actually held two sprint in Austin: one open sprint, at the scipy conference sprints, which was open to new contributors, and one core sprint, for more …

Publishing scientific software matters

Christophe Pradal, Hans Peter Langtangen, and myself recently edited a version of the Journal of Computational Science on scientific software, in particular those written in Python. We wrote an editorial defending writing and publishing open source scientific software that I wish to summarize here. The full text preprint is openly …