scientific computing posts – Page 2

Sprint Scikit learn in Paris

We are organizing a coding sprint in Paris on scikit learn, machine learning in Python. The goal of this sprint is to set the API and the general coding guidelines of the scikit to be able to tackle many different statistical learning problems in a consistent framework.

This is why …

Simple object signatures

A signature pattern

There are many libraries around to specify what I call a ‘signature’ for an object, in other words a list of attributes that define its parameter set. I have heavily used Enthought’s Traits library for this purpose, but the concept is fairly general and can be …

Euroscipy 2010: code, science, and a lot of fun

Euroscipy 2010, the third European conference for the use of Python in science, is just over, and I think it was a great success.

Euroscipy in numbers


The attendance this year was huge: there was a grand total of 160 who came to EuroScipy, with 140 that came only to …

Personal views on scientific computing

My contributions to the scientific computing software ecosystem are motivated by my vision on computational science.

Scientific research relies more and more on computing. However, most of the researchers are not software engineers, and as computing is becoming ubiquitous, the limiting factor becomes more and more the human factor [G …

EuroScipy abstract submission deadline extended

Given that we have been able to turn on registration only very late, the EuroScipy conference committee is extending the deadline for abstract submission for the 2010 EuroScipy conference.

On Thursday May 20th, at midnight Samoa time, we will turn off the abstract submission on the conference site. Up to …

EuroScipy is finally open for registration

The registration for EuroScipy is finally open.

To register, go to the website, create an account, and you will see a ‘register to the conference’ button on the left. Follow it to a page which presents a ‘shoping cart’. Simply submitting this information registers you to the conference, and on …

Status of the EuroScipy registration

It is still not possible to register for the Euroscipy conference: we are having difficulties with payment for the registration, and we are still not sure that we will be able to actually charge money!

This might not be a bad news, because it might mean that the conference will …

Mayavi: Representing an additional scalar on surfaces

We have been getting a few questions on the enthought-dev mailing-list on how to represent an additional information on a surface with Mayavi, using color not given eg by the elevation. A recent post on his blog by Didrik Pinte shows the problem quite well:

This problem can be seen …

Book review: Matplotlib for Python Developpers

Packt publishing sent me a copy of Sandro Tosi’s book Matplotlib for Python Developpers a while ago. Unfortunately, it arrived after I had left for the Christmas break, and I couldn’t find time to review it for a while (I am terribly bad at time-management, and I do …

Using Python, Scipy, ETS, … to implement art

The Aikon project has just been slashdotted.

The project is about implementing a robotic artist, with a special artistic touch:

The Co-principal investigator, Patrick Tresset, gave a talk at the French Pycon this year and I was simply flabbergasted by the project. It is amazing to mix together art and …

EuroScipy 2010, Paris July 8-11. Save the date!

EuroScipy 2010, the 3rd European meeting on Python in Science, will be held July 8-11 in the center of Paris, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure.

We have made good progress in the organization, and we already have an exciting program although paper submission is not yet even open.

Tutorial tracks …

PCA and ICA: Identifying combinations of variables

Dimension reduction and interpretability

Suppose you have statistical data that too many dimensions, in other words too many variables of the same random process, that has been observed many times. You want to find out, from all these variables (or all these dimensions when speaking in terms of multivariate data …

The SciPy 2009 proceedings are online

We are finally announcing the online edition of SciPy proceedings:

This year, we tried to raise the bar in terms of article quality. This involved having a more strict review process, and we must thank a lot all the reviewers. I have the feeling …

Announcing EuroScipy 2010

The 3rd European meeting on Python in Science

Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, July 8-11 2010

We are happy to announce the 3rd EuroScipy meeting, in Paris, July 2010.

The EuroSciPy meeting is a cross-disciplinary gathering focused on the
use and development of the Python language in scientific research. This
event …

Writing parallel code in a readable way

Although I often have embarrasingly parallel problems (data parallel), and I have an 8-CPU box at work, I used to frown on writing parallel computing code when doing exploratory coding. We now have fantastic parallel computing facilities in Python (amongst other, multiprocessing, IPython, and parallel Python). However, in my opinion …

Acceleration estimation in atom-interferometric tests of the Einstein equivalence principle

Hurray! The pivot article that marks my transition from physics to statistic modeling is finally out:

How to estimate the differential acceleration in a two-species atom interferometer to test the equivalence principle G Varoquaux, R A Nyman, R Geiger, P Cheinet, A Landragin and P Bouyer

To put things in …

EuroScipy 2010 in Paris

Next year’s EuroScipy will be in Paris, as Nicolas Chauvat and myself announced in Leipzig this summer. We are still busy organizing, but we have pretty much settled down for a dates: July 8th- July 11th. So mark those dates, and get ready to come to Paris for a …

Useful trick for functions and tests using np.random

How to test functions that use the numpy random number generator

Announcing the SciPy conference schedule

The SciPy conference committee is pleased to announce the schedule of the conference:

This year’s program is very rich. In order to limit the number of interesting talks that we had to turn down, we decided to reduce the length of talks. Although this …

My article on scientific computing with Python

I have never sold the rights to the article I published in LinuxMagazine France on scientific computing with Python. So I am uploading it to the net, under a CC-by-SA license :

It is in French, so it restricts the audience.