machine learning posts – Page 2

PRNI 2016: call for organization

The steering committee of PRNI (Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging) is opening a call for bid to organize the conference in June 2016, in Europe

Scikit-learn 2014 sprint: a report

A week ago, the 2014 edition of the scikit-learn sprint was held in Paris. This was the third time that we held an internation sprint and it was hugely productive, and great fun, as always.

Great people and great venues

We had a mix of core contributors and newcomers, which …

Scikit-learn 0.15 release: highlights

We have just released the 0.15 version of scikit-learn. Hurray!! Thanks to all involved.

A long development stretch

It’s been a while since the last release of scikit-learn. So a lot has happened. Exactly 2611 commits according my count. Quite clearly, we have more and more existing code …

Google summer of code projects for scikit-learn

I’d like to welcome the four students that were accepted for the GSoC this year:

  • Issam: Extending Neural networks
  • Hamzeh: Sparse Support for Ensemble Methods
  • Manoj: Making Linear models faster
  • Maheshakya: Locality Sensitive Hashing

Welcome to all of you. Your submissions were excellent, and you demonstrated a good will …

Scikit-learn 0.14 release: features and benchmarks

I have tagged and released the scikit-learn 0.14 release yesterday evening, after more than 6 months of heavy development from the team. I would like to give a quick overview of the highlights of this release in terms of features but also in term of performance. Indeed, the scikit-learn …

Update on scikit-learn: recent developments for machine learning in Python

Yesterday, we released version 0.11 of the scikit-learn toolkit for machine learning in Python, and there was much rejoincing.

Major features gained in the last releases

In the last 6 months, there have been many things happening with the scikit-learn. While I do not whish to give an exhaustive …

3 Google summer of code for scikit-learn and more…

The scikit-learn got 3 students accepted for the Google summer of code.

  • Imanuel Bayer will work on making our sparse linear models, for regression and classification, faster. His proposal Optimizing sparse linear models using coordinate descent and strong rules.
  • David Marek will implement multi-layer perceptrons for the scikit. His proposal …

Conference posters

At the request of a friend, I am putting up some of the posters that I recently presented at conferences.

Large-scale functional-connectivity graphical models for individual subjects using population prior.

This is a poster for our NIPS work


Multi-subject dictionary learning to segment an atlas of brain spontaneous activity …

Hiring a junior developer on the scikit-learn

Once again, we are looking for a junior developer to work on the scikit-learn. Below is the official job posting. As a personal remark, I would like to stress that this is a unique opportunity to be payed for two years to work on learning and improving the scientific Python …

My conference travels: Scipy 2011 and HBM 2011

The Scipy 2011 conference in Austin

Last week, I was at the Scipy conference in Austin. It was really great to see old friends, and Austin is such a nice place.

The Scipy conference was held in UT Austin’s conference center, which is a fantastic venue. This is the …

Hiring a junior engineer on the scikit-learn

The scikit-learn is a Python module for machine learning. The project builds on the scientific and numerical tools of the scipy community to provide state-of-the-art data analysis tools. It is developed by a community of open source developers to which my research team (Parietal, INRIA) contributes a lot and is …

Scikit-learn sprint on April 1st

The scikit-learn team is organizing a sprint on April 1st (that next Friday). Join us in Paris, Boston, or on IRC!

With the rise of the data sciences, the scikit-learn, a BSD-licensed Python package for machine learning, is becoming an asset for more and more endeavors. Machine learning has traditionally …

PCA and ICA: Identifying combinations of variables

Dimension reduction and interpretability

Suppose you have statistical data that too many dimensions, in other words too many variables of the same random process, that has been observed many times. You want to find out, from all these variables (or all these dimensions when speaking in terms of multivariate data …